Transcendent Life

Helping You Expand in the Awareness of Your True Self.



It has been said, when the student is ready the Master appears, for according to the student’s capacity to receive so will they receive.

The word “Truth” has a tremendous meaning. Thousands, yes, millions have heard the word but have failed to comprehend its meaning.

Truth is the understanding of oneself, and to understand oneself, one must realize the Source of Being, not born of flesh or of the will of man but of the Pure Spirit of LIFE.

You must not only search the outer, but also the inner. One who lives in Truth is not afraid to proclaim the Truth.

You consciously know that you are Spirit and you live in LIFE while living in the flesh. You are able to discern your thoughts and actions so that you can correct the errors when you see them.

You know that your life is continuous in and out of the body of flesh, for you realize that you live in LIFE and LIFE lives in you. This makes you strong and optimistic, and you look to the bright side of things.

In the dark corners, you make the sun shine and walk through life with a smile singing the song of joy. Everyone is pleased to see you because you bring that breath of fresh air which is so much needed in the life of everyone.

You inspire faith because you know that you live in Absolute Faith and you are eternally safe and you know also that Absolute Faith lives in you.

You carry the message of help and courage for you love all Life knowing that LIFE alone lives and you are one with It.

You are not afraid of sickness and death, you know these impostors for what they are and you are able to deal with both in a way that gives courage and faith to others.

You give help where it is needed. you are not inquisitive nor do you speak scandal because you know as one thinks in one's heart so does one become.

You help others to help themselves for you are free from worry and fear and show the way to others so that their loads can also be made light.

You forgive readily for you know that forgiveness is the first fruit of the elect. You are always tolerant, knowing the weakness of the flesh.

You are devoid of hate, envy and malice because you know that to indulge in them breeds their kind. You know that to be with the Eternal Love-Law you must act in love wherever you find yourself, for you know the Law, as one soweth so shall one reap.

You radiate love to all for you know that in essence, you are love. It is LIFE, Which forever remains within you that is performing Its own deeds.

You have experienced the Pure Eternal Essence, the True Sun of Love, with the power of the Omnipotent healing balm.

You mind your own business for you know that mortal error is prevalent everywhere and you do not add to it, but dissolve it away by that inner understanding, that error has no power of its own. Yet when asked to intervene your wisdom is as great as Solomon’s.

You pour oil on troubled waters and soothe the mind and free it from disturbance so that the Pure Eternal Spirit can reign in the hearts of all. Thus You create harmony where inharmony once existed. You establish Truth where there is an error, and the error is no more.

You go through life joyously, and things that drive others to despair and misery leave you in a calm and undisturbed state of mind. You have already realized that you are one with the Power that overcomes all things.

Your power comes from within for you know that the Pure Eternal Essence of Love, Wisdom and Power is there. For the Creator of Heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made by human hands but in the very inner Sanctuary of your own being. Therefore you realize that you are the Pure Temple of Love. You make this the dominant Truth in your mind and you are free from all fear and doubt.

You are like the ocean that receives all streams and rivers yet the ocean's mighty calm is unmoved. And all who come in contact with you feel your loving essence and receive your encouragement.

You attract Love and friends for the Law of Attraction is always in operation. Yet you are not dependent upon the love of the individual. Nor are you dependent upon things, although all these come to you as your right.

You know a higher law so you become the giver of every good gift and the more you give the more you get in return. “Give and it shall be given unto you again, pressed down and running over.”

You acknowledge the Law and the Law responds, yet you know that you are above the Law in pure wholeness with the Creator of Law.

You are at home with all classes of people, the rich and the poor are all alike to you for you do not seek what they have. You also realize that “the least ye do unto one of these so you have done unto Me.”

You feed the soul for you know that when the soul is clothed with the riches of the Spirit, the body and circumstances together will be the out-picturing of that which the soul perceives.

If the soul perceives true riches so shall it be in the outer. If the soul perceives limitation and frustration so shall it be in the outer.

You know the law of cause and effect and are content to leave it at that, for you know that the results shall be in accordance with the law.

You are not interested in what other people have, for you know the source of supply and can draw whatever you want when you require it.

All people are one to you for you know that they are all children of your Eternal Father-Mother Life, some may be further down the ladder of unfoldment than others, but you also realize that the last may be first and the first may be last.

You are welcome in all homes for you bring that atmosphere that disperses gloom. Children cling to your coat and climb onto your knees. They feel the essence of Love that cannot harm for such as these make up the Kingdom of Heaven.

You love all that lives and all that live respond to your nature. The sinner and the saint are the same to you, you see the good in the sinner and do not look for the weakness in the saint. You know there is none good but LIFE.

You know your own shortcomings and never casts a stone. You have already taken the plank out of your own eye so you do not look for the splinter in another’s eyes.

The outcasts recognise you as a fellow because they know they will not be condemned but forgiven and helped back to the place where LIFE sees them.

You make all understand that LIFE is no respecter of persons and gives to all without question, to those that asketh in faith so shall they receive.

Your spirit speaks to the Spirit in others for the prodigal children are home again feasting at LIFE's table and no one can keep them out.

The ones who have passed through the furnace of Life trust you, for you give your love and wisdom and point the way to true happiness. You know that LIFE never withholds Its love from Its most disobedient child, neither do you withhold that Love of LIFE from your brother or sister, but you share their troubles for you understand; you have experienced the way yourself.

You know all great people in the world have passed the same way and are mellowed by the experience of Life, and when understanding comes they do not regret these experiences but rejoice in their uplifting power. So you neither pity nor condemn them because you know that all are conquerors if they will conquer.

You find joy in your work, you are happy in your doing. No matter in what capacity you are engaged. You never hurry nor are you rushed, for you know that time does not control you, you are attuned to the Eternal.

You have absolute faith in the Absolute Power of which you have become aware. You praise your “Beloved,” for you are in love with LIFE Who to you is brother, sister, mother, father, child and sweetheart.

You are full of love because you love with all your heart and soul the Loving Father-Mother Life Whom you can speak to, for you know It hears. There is no secret between you, for you are as a whole, always united together.

You know you are one with all Life and you love LIFE because you know it to be the same as the Life within yourself. You believe in the All Good for you know that nothing else is real.

Your outlook is coloured by the inner vision of the Pure Loving Essence of LIFE, the only true child that dwells in the heart of every man, woman and child, for you know that in every child that is born, there is born the Spirit of LIFE.

In all situations, you seek Divine Justice and you are guided, for at that moment you know what to do and what to say. You have acquired the habit of listening to LIFE speaking to you.

You are simple, loving, and kind, for you follow in the footprints of the Life Mastered Consciousness. You are the promise of a better world, a world where love, peace and goodwill will be fully expressed in all hearts, for this is the plan of the Eternal. It is so and has come to reality.

This is a reformed version of "Revealing the Mystery of An Enchanted Life" by Murdo MacDonald-Bayne in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power Monthly Newsletters. Access to the letters can be found in the link below.